5 Things You Need to Know About Making Magnetic Jewelry
1. Simple magnetic bracelets are easy to make. Most magnetic bead companies sell rolls of beads. The magnetic attraction of the beads holds them in rolls. Purchase a roll of square beads and simply use the magnetic force to connect them end to end as a bracelet or necklace. The biggest problem with this method is the potential for loss. Sometimes a bump at the right spot separates the magnets enough to break up the field, and the jewelry can easily disappear.
2. Magnetic jewelry used for pain needs to be near the area of pain. If your legs and hips are the problem, then you can wear ankle bracelets. Headaches call for a necklace, and arthritic hands scream for a bracelet. Since you should wear the jewelry daily for the best relief, create something that is complementary to many different outfits. Magnetized beads come in a variety of colors and designs.
Beware that magnetism can negatively affect the strip on your credit card, the hard drive of your computer and your wristwatch. Don't use magnets if you have a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or battery-operated medical device. If you are pregnant, it is always best to err on the safe side and not use the jewelry.
3. Buy beads that are larger and have more gauss or strength if you use other material besides magnets on your jewelry. Choose magnetic beads from an online store or specialty shop. There are a variety of colors, shapes and designs. Several companies carry magnetic "pearls" and gold, silver, natural hematite and rainbow-colored magnetic beads. Natural stone beads add an attractive design to the jewelry. Use stainless-steel nylon bead wire or 80 lb. test monofilament line for a strong necklace. Use a magnetic clasp to open and close the jewelry.
4. Choose a design that suits you best. Use a stone between the magnets for design and separation. You can place the magnetic beads next to each other or reverse them and use the natural repelling power of the magnet as a spacer for the jewelry.
5. Measure the amount of wire necessary to make the jewelry fit comfortably. Attach one end of the bead wire to the clasp and begin to string the beads. Use larger
magnetic beads if you space them with healing stones or other beads. When you've placed all the beads on the string, attach the other end to the second half of the magnetic clasp. Wear your creation in good health.