wangqian Pokročilý
Počet príspevkov : 115 Registration date : 28.11.2013
| Predmet: Conclusions In this work, we hypothesized that signal transduction is significa Št január 02, 2014 5:08 am | |
| The transfected CEF were harvested and resuspended in 500 ul lysis buffer per 35 mm dish, and samples were centrifuged for 5 min at 10,000 rpm. Aliquots of the supernantants were detected with CAT ELISA Kit, Pathogenicity of GX0101 and GX0101 One day old male SPF chickens were randomly divided supplier INK 128 into three groups and kept in three isolators under posi tive filtered air. In the experiment, 40 birds were inoculated intra abdominally with 1000 PFU of GX0101 or GX0101. A control group of 13 birds was inoculated with uninfected CEF. During 120 days after challenge with the two viruses, all chickens were exam ined for gross MD lesions. Body weight measurements of the birds in different groups were made on weeks 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 . in order to evaluate the effect of the two viruses on chicken growth rates.<br><br> Immunosuppressive effects of the GX0101 and GX0101 In order to evaluate the immunosuppressive effects supplier KU-57788 of the two viruses, on one day old, chickens were inocu lated intra abdominally with 1,000 PFU of GX0101 or GX0101, while control chickens were inoculated with uninfected CEF cultures. On days 9 . all chick ens from each treatment were vaccinated with inactive Newcastle disease virus, H5 avian influenza viruses and H9 AIV. On days 28 . the birds serums were collected to measure the HI antibody titers to NDV, AIV H5 and AIV H9.<br><br> Mareks disease virus is an oncogenic cell associated a herpesvirus that causes lymphoproliferative disease in the domestic chickens resulting in T cell lym phomas in visceral organs and peripheral nerves as early as 3 4 weeks postinfection, the pathogenesis of Linsitinib 構造 MD has recently been reviewed in detail, Early events involve lytic infection of B cells followed by latent infec tion and oncogenic transformation of T cells, Transformed T cells then infiltrate lymphoid tissues, peripheral nerves and visceral organs, usually leading to stunting and death of affected birds. MDV strains have been classified into three serotypes that have major differences not only in the genome but also in the biological features.<br><br> Serotype 1 MDVs includes all the oncogenic strains and their attenuated forms; serotype 2 are non oncogenic viruses isolated in chickens; and serotype 3 are non oncogenic virus isolated in turkeys, generally known as herpesvirus of turkeys or HVT, Among those three serotypes, only serotype 1 are oncogenic, which can be further classified into four pathotypes including mild, viru lent, very virulent to very virulent plus strains, MD was first described by Josef Marek in 1907 as a polyneuritis affecting mainly old chickens with low morbidity and negligible mortality, but acute MD became the predominant form in most countries that had a well developed poultry industry in 1960 s. After the introduction and widespread use of HVT vaccines, the disease was then well controlled. During the 1970 s, there was a decrease in the efficiency of HVT vaccine due to interference from homologous maternal antibo dies and the emergence of MDV field strains of increased virulence. In the mid 1980 s, a bivalent vac cine was introduced, and this provided better protection than either of the individual components used alone, a phenomenon known as protective synergism. | |