jy9202 Veľmi pokročilý
Počet príspevkov : 542 Registration date : 18.12.2013
| Predmet: GPS is more suitable than mGPS for patients with HCC with regard to discriminat Po jún 09, 2014 8:10 am | |
| A high Pearsons coefficient value for this re gression line demonstrated the goodness of fit for all eight categories. Patients who were diagnosed with de mentia were excluded from the study on the basis of a revised Hasegawa dementia scale. Although senile decay in reaction time andor cognition may not be completely excluded from our MHE diagnostic criteria, the lower values AP24534 943319-70-8 of npRQ in all 5 MHE positive patients strongly suggested that MHE diagnosed by our criteria was associated with functional hepatic reserve. Easy and reliable diagnostic criteria for MHE should be further explored through extensive studies using a larger cohort to prove the clinical significance of MHE in association with the energy malnutrition. This study suggested that an insufficient fat source im paired the recovery from invasive treatments for HCC in cirrhotic patients.<br><br> An indicator of energy state, npRQ, was significantly changed AT-406 cell in vivo in vitro after admission in association with the energy difference for fat consumed between home and the hospital. Consistent with the association between MHE cases and lower npRQ, the relative energy from fat was significantly lower in the cases that were diagnosed with MHE. Taken together, it is suggested that energy state should be improved before invasive treatments to promote a rapid recovery, and specifically, energy from fat should be provided at a dose recom mended for the regular dietary allowance, which is be tween 20% to 30% of total energy intake. In terms of normalization of therapeutic invasiveness, PT INR was employed in this study.<br><br> Although serum concentrations of akt1 阻害剤 NH3 and total bilirubin were tested for this purpose, these values were prerequisitely altered due to extrahepatic cir cumstances such as constipation or constitutive jaundice. Because a single criterion of PT INR was employed, the relationship between fat intake and recovery from HCC treatments should be confirmed using other measures in the future. Although the limited case numbers in this study may have resulted in an inadequate assessment of the biological variability, as neither npRQ nor MHE was associated with body compositions such as BMI, extra cel lular water, percent body fat, soft lean mass, or skeletal muscle amount, it is assumed that orally taken fat was dir ectly consumed as an energy source. Nonesterified fatty acid suppresses gluconeogenesis in the liver through insulin secretion.<br><br> At the same time, however, NEFA desensitizes the liver to insulin via insulin receptor substrates, which surpass insulin induction and lead to net elevation of gluconeogenesis. Furthermore, fat from diet is absorbed in the form of chylomicrons and is taken up by hepatocytes as a remnant after digestion at the capillary endothelium by lipoprotein lipase, pro moting gluconeogenesis as a source of energy and sub strates such as acetyl CoA, NADH and ATP. Through B oxidation processes, acetyl CoA is subjected to not only gluconeogenesis but also the generation of ketone bodies, which are major energy sources in the brain. In a whole body, npRQ could increase as long as peripheral tis sues have glucose andor ketones to oxidize even under the situation where npRQ decreased in the liver due to gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. | |